What Causes Pseudogynecomastia

One of man’s greatest fears aside from erectile dysfunction is man boobs. Like many male problems though, having enlarged breasts can be fixed. But first, you need to understand the ins and outs of this condition. Breast enlargement in male can be labeled according to their causes. There are two of them. To understand each fully, you need to know what causes pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia.

To differentiate the two, gynecomastia is the enlargement of a man’s breast due to glandular proliferation which leads to growth of excessive breast tissue. Simply put, gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance in the production of hormones in the body. When the body produces too much estrogen and too few testosterones, it results to the feminization of the body which is usually characterized by larger breasts. Men need adequate amount of testosterone to develop their ‘manliness’ which includes hair growth, muscle building, and development of their reproductive system. Of course, testosterone is also important in keeping their energy levels up and improving their libido.

The answer what causes pseudogynecomastia is less intricate than its cousin gynecomastia. Here, there are no complications regarding hormones and the like. The problem this time is the increase of fat deposition in the chest area. In other words, too much fat are deposited along the area which makes the breast bigger. To quip, gynecomastia is the development of too much breast tissue while pseudogynecomastia is the deposition of too much fat in the breast.

Both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia affects men of any age including babies and children. Normally, young men outgrow this problem as they pass puberty especially if the problem is with their hormones. As the body changes and hormones do their work, enlarged male breasts will normally adjust themselves. However, those with pseudogynecomastia may find it harder to overcome their man boobs unless they do the necessary solutions like undergoing the proper diet and exercising regularly.

Knowing that what causes pseudogynecomastia is excess weight, one can work their way to a flatter chest and leaner body. The first step is to change your eating habits. Eat the right kinds of food that helps increase testosterone and lessens the possibility of depositing fat in the body. Also, avoid eating too much. Squeezing in enough exercise to your daily routine will also pay dividends. If most of your day is spent idle or sitting behind a desk, find ways to exercise or do other physical activities. Instead of bringing your car to work, walk or ride a bike. Instead of taking the elevator, climb the stairs. Spend your weekends in the gym or out for a run. There are a number of ways you can sweat out the fats off your chest.

If all else fails and the embarrassment of having man boobs is getting to your head and affecting your well-being, you may resort to more invasive solutions like surgery. Liposuction is the most popular method of removing fat along the chest area and in any other part of the body, for that matter.