Is Gynecomastia Dangerous Or Deadly? Is Your Life In Danger?

Usually, gynecomastia is not a physically harmful disorder. But it can somehow be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition such as testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is the growth of abnormal tissues causing the person to have a testicular tumor. Testicular tumor caused by cells like Leydig, Sertoli or hCG-secreting choriocarcinoma can cause a person to have an enlargement of breast.

Many clients do sometimes question whether gynecomastia can be a possible cause of breast cancer or maybe an adverse effect of other more threatening condition. Fortunately, only a small percentage of the male population having an enlargement of the breast tissue tends to be cancer.

Even though it is very rare, it is better to visit a doctor for proper diagnosis. Breast cancers in males are somehow the same with females. It can begin from the ducts inside the breast or its tissue called lobules and eventually spread throughout the whole body of the person which can dangerously affect the vital organs.

If you have noticed changes in your breast/s like: skin color, sudden inversion of nipple, dimpling, redness, scaly appearance, sudden lump on your breast and/or discharges from your nipple, better consult a doctor. These signs may signify of breast cancer. However, if it is solely breast enlargement, the percentage of it being a breast cancer is quite low.

For males who participate in body buildings, they maintain their figures through various workouts and heavy lifting. Another way to maintain their hard-earned muscular bodies is by drinking different kinds of supplements, mostly containing steroids. These steroid-containing supplements do contribute in the enlargement of the breasts. However great it is to have this manly figure, it is still of great importance to protect your body from physical disorders.

Weight-lifting is dangerous for it can tear up muscles from the inside without you knowing it. It may seem just a normal muscle pain due to too much wearing, but sometimes it can lead to a more serious case if not detected early and properly treated. Tear of the breast tissue of a person with this condition, if neglected and untreated, can lead to accumulation of fluids to the site causing pain and more swelling. Eventually it will form abscesses, thus infection has already kicked in.

In cases which are triggered by obesity, sufferers would sometimes go on to extreme dieting which doesn’t aid in decreasing the enlargement of the breast. This can only cause the sagging of the chest known as chest ptosis.

Gynecomastia also presents other problems, psychologically, socially, or both. The person having this condition may face immense psychological trauma due to what they think is a disfigurement of their body. He can also suffer a lower self-esteem being bullied by other peers. Common derogatory terms on this case that can cause distress for the sufferer include moobs (short for man boobs) and bitch tits. Fortunately, groups that support the improvement of the affected individuals do exist. These support groups can help the affected persons to live a normal life without having a lower self-esteem.