What Is Flax Seeds and Does It Help Get Rid of Man Boobs for Life?

Growing male breasts can be depressing but it is not the end of the world. Statistics show that 1 out of 3 men develop a certain type of gynecomastia and such could happen early or later on in their life. There are various treatment options available and with continuous research, more natural remedies are being considered including one super food, flax seed. You may ask what is flax seeds and does it help get rid of man boobs?

What are Flax seeds?

The cultivation of flax seeds started in 3000 B.C. It was consumed for the many health benefits it offers. In fact, King Charlemagne of the 8th century even made a law which requires his subjects to eat flax.

Also referred to as linseeds, Flax is probably one of the oldest crops. It has been cultivated by the ancient Chinese and the ancient Egyptians. Today, these seeds are recognized for their nutritional value.

Rich in fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 essential fatty acid, flax is considered a super food that can help prevent cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Research also shows that it contains certain elements which may be helpful in the treatment of men who are affected by gynecomastia.

What is flax seeds and does it help get rid of man boobs?

One of the essential contents of flax seeds that is believed to be helpful in the reduction of enlarged male breasts is called lignans. It is basically a major class of phytoestrogens. These are chemical compounds that possess estrogen like qualities along with antioxidant capabilities.

In fact, high lignan diets are employed by bodybuilders in an effort to reduce their risk of developing man boobs. As phytoestrogens, lignans do not necessarily lower the body’s estrogen levels. However, it keeps estrogenic activities under control which is indeed essential for preventing the development of women like features.

There are many ways to consume flax seeds. But in the case of using it in an effort to reduce male breast size, it is recommended to take flax in its oil form. Ideally, flax seed oil must be 100 percent organic and cold-pressed. This is how you can ensure it has high lignan content.

There have been a few studies exploring the efficacy of flax seeds in the treatment of gynecomastia. But more clinical research is required to establish its rate of success in using for this specific purpose.

In an effort to figure out what is flax seeds and does it help get rid of man boobs, you may find a few useful pieces of information. Judging from the explanation provided above, it seems that flax seeds presents many possibilities as far as the reduction of male breasts are concerned. And it may be an option worth taking however, you must be mindful about the other possible effects it may present. That said, you are encouraged to consult this matter with your doctor to gain a better understanding of the appropriateness of this kind of treatment for the specific type of gynecomastia you are suffering from.