Will Propecia (finasteride) cause gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, or man boobs, although is a condition that has little to no harmful physical effects on one’s body, can cause extreme emotional stress for the person who has it. The condition is mostly attributed to the accumulation of fat deposits in the chest area of a man.

It often leads to the enlargement of the area to a size that can be considered as similar to that of a woman’s breasts. Therefore, providing us with the reason why it is also called as “man boobs.” The condition can affect men of all ages, but has mostly been seen to affect men in from their late teens to their old age.

There have been numerous studies focused on determining the reason why the condition exists, and what exactly causes it. A recent account of one medicine taker reported that he has gotten gynecomastia by taking in a specific medicine, a drug that is supposed to help with baldness. This has led scientists to study the effects of this specific drug on patients aside from the intended outcomes, and whether it can actually cause man boobs.

The medicine in question is Finasteride, most commonly known as Propecia. Propecia is a medicine that is used by doctors in order to treat alopecia, which is a condition wherein the hair growth drops to zero at some point, and refuses to return to normal due to certain bodily circumstances. Propecia has been used predominantly by men who suffer from alopecia in order to treat the condition. However, there have been numerous accounts of the drug affecting patients in ways that they typically should not, such as the development of gynecomastia.

Doctors typically do not inform patients regarding the possible side effects of a prescribe drug. One of the first side effects that were actually determined by medical practitioners and scientists when the medicine was first invented was that it has the capability to induce the formation of breast-like features in men, regardless of the dosage amount taken.

Doctors have already proven that Propecia can indeed cause man boobs in the long run. It is especially true among men who regularly take 5mg worth of Propecia for every single time that they are required to do so. Propecia has been determined to cause changes in the hormones of a man’s body since it alters the process of hair growth. It is also responsible with the production of male specific and female specific hormones.

It has been studied that there is some sort of change when it comes to the production of male hormones. It is basically lesser than the production of female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, the hormones needed for the formation of feminine bodies, including breasts.

The best way in order to avoid Propecia from causing man boobs is by letting the patients know of this specific side effect upon doctor’s prescription. Although man boobs do not have adverse health effects, it can definitely cause discomfort and anxiety in men. Doctors should take informing patients about side effects into account more than they do so today.