A Body Builder’s Conquest with Gynecomastia

One of the many horrors that weight lifters and athletes have to endure in their career is gynecomastia. The so-called man boobs in body builders have long been a problem for these buff rock stars of sports. Man boobs take its toll on a person’s self-esteem. Remember the motion picture Fight Club? One of the characters, Bob was depicted to have ‘bitch tits’, which definitely smothered his self-esteem. The blockbuster movie opened the eyes of stereotypes and those individuals who laugh at people who suffer from gynecomastia.

It opened minds to the fact that having man boobs is not a disease or malaise that you have to keep distance from the person who has it and that it’s alright to feel pity for them because they’re hopeless. Rather, gynecomastia is a significant side effect of chronic use of steroids in body builders and other sports-oriented individuals. It can be prevented yes, and the condition can be cured.

For starters, gynecomastia is the medical term for a benign or potentially harmless enlargement of the mammary tissue that only occurs in males. Gynecomastia develops in males with hormonal imbalances, such as those with Cushing’s or Addison’s disease. Aside from hormonal imbalance, gynecomastia can also occur in males who are undergoing a long-term steroid regimen. Man boobs in body builders for instance is the result of steroid therapy that’s common in jocks. Most of the time, anabolic steroids are the first choice for weightlifters, athletes, and body builders.

When a person develops man boobs, it is irreversible and permanent, but the unnecessary mass of breast tissue can be removed through surgery. Primarily, gynecomastia is the result of elevated levels of estrogen in a supposedly testosterone melting pot, like a male body for example. Use of steroids is one major factor that contributes to the development of this condition.

Don’t lose hope too soon if you have to endure gynecomastia as well. Surgery can correct gynecomastia. Doctors would make use of different procedures like skin sculpture, liposuction, gland excision, and reduction mammoplasty in order to correct and minimize the feminizing appearance caused by the condition. Usually, your plastic surgeon will first mark the area around the nipple complex and make a small incision on the dotted lines. Then the glandular tissue is extracted out of the incision site. In order to reinforce the healing process, you will be required to wear a protective vest for several weeks.

The vest may be cumbersome at first and most men would feel too embarrassed to wear them but the vest is used so that the chest’s shape is securely intact. The surgical intervention for man boobs in body builders is usually done during off-season to facilitate proper healing and so that the issue of wearing the vest wouldn’t put too much pressure on a man’s self-esteem. You know how sensitive men can be.

There is nothing funny or ridiculous about having man boobs. Men who showcase their bodies in the name of sports and entertainment are the most common group of people who develop this condition. But there will always be cure for gynecomastia. For those who opt for a non-invasive procedure, your doctor can prescribe you with non-steroidal preparations that can help curb the growth of excess mammary tissues.