What Happens After Gynecomastia Surgery and How to Recuperate Faster?

Gynecomastia surgery can provide permanent and excellent results. But knowing its benefits is not enough to keep you informed. Even before you decide to take the chance, you must make an effort to understand what happens after gynecomastia surgery and how to recuperate post op.

What happens after gynecomastia surgery and how to recuperate?

In surgery, preparation is the key to recovery. Below are some of the things you may experience when the procedure is done:

Swelling and Bruising

These are normal phenomena you are more likely to experience after the surgery. And their severity can vary from case to case. Bruising and swelling may be concentrated in the breast area but in other patients, such may extend to the entire chest or even all the way to the abdomen.

The intensity of the bruising and swelling is also expected to intensify 3 to 4 days following the procedure. But such will also fade in a matter of 2 or 3 weeks. While you are recovering from the swelling and bruising, sun exposure is prohibited as such can only lead to the permanent discoloration of the skin.


This is another normal circumstance after the procedure and usually occurs within the first 10 days following the surgery. Intensity can vary from one patient to another. In severe cases, doctors would require urgent treatment.


This is the accumulation of body fluids and blood. It can be eliminated through evacuations specifically in the first and second week after the procedure. Evacuations must be performed 2 or up to three times during this period. Pressure dressing is also required right after the evacuations of seroma.

What you need to do to recover faster?

The surgeon should provide you specific instructions during consultation on how you can go through faster recovery and to avoid complications. Below are some of the things you must do.

Have plenty for rest

For the first three days after the surgery, you are advised to take a full time out. You are prohibited from doing vigorous movements involving the shoulder joints. You are then permitted to do some exercise but may be limited to walking and jogging two weeks after the operation.

Follow the surgeon’s instructions on compression dressing

Surgeons would advise differently on the kind of compression dressing to use. Some may require ace bandages while others may prefer elastic bandage. Go for what the surgeon prescribes. Compression dressing must be followed in order to treat bleeding and swelling and must be left on for 5 days.

Avoid sun exposure

As mentioned earlier, sun exposure is discouraged as such may cause permanent discoloration of skin. Sun exposure may also make the swelling worse.

Do massage

Massage post surgery can help with reducing and breaking up the scar tissue. Your surgeon should provide further instructions with regard to this matter.

There are other things that you should be mindful about. So, make it a point to ask your surgeon what happens after gynecomastia surgery and how to recuperate. Take note of all his instructions and follow his prescriptions. That should increase your chances of recovering faster and better.