What is Adolescent Gynecomastia and How to Treat It Permanently?

At certain point of a man’s life, he may find himself with a pair of breasts that grows much like that of a woman’s. This kind of condition is embarrassing to say the least and it is known to affect 60 percent of the male population. While man boobs are common among adults, it can also occur among young and teenage boys. So, what is adolescent gynecomastia and how to treat it exactly?

What is adolescent gynecomastia?

One of the recognized causes of man boobs or gynecomastia is hormonal changes. Hormones in young boys at the age of puberty are at its craziest. This makes them prone to developing gynecomastia.

Adolescent gynecomastia specifically is a hereditary and congenital type. It is common among boys between the ages of 9 and 14. In fact, boys at this age who begin to develop large breasts are projected at 30 to 60 percent.

Some of whom will find the breasts receding over time. However, there are cases too when these boys are forced to live with enlarged male breasts for a lifetime unless they undergo treatment. The best recognized method to treat adolescent gynecomastia is surgery. It is usually advised or recommended for individuals who have turned 18.

Still, there are cases when immediate surgical intervention may be encouraged. Such is applicable to severe cases of adolescent gynecomastia. To determine if such extreme measures may be needed, a comprehensive and extensive consultation with the patient along with his parents must be conducted. It also requires the participation and assistance of a child development professional and endocrinologists.

While this condition does not usually entail a threat to life, it can still scar a person for life. And this is why it is important to gain an understanding about what is adolescent gynecomastia and how to treat it.

What does treatment for adolescent gynecomastia involve?

The surgical procedure for adolescent gynecomastia involves the same steps as the surgery for adult gynecomastia. It may require both liposuction and surgical excision of the glandular tissue too depending on the elements involved.

If the gynecomastia involves both fat deposits and glandular tissue formation, both may be performed. If it just involves glandular tissues then surgical removal of the glands is necessary. On the other hand, if it only involves excessive fatty deposits then liposuction may be enough.

However, because this specific type of gynecomastia involves a minor, the approach is much more sensitive to the needs of the patient. And this is why the assistance of both a child development professional and endocrinologists are essential. There are cases too when the condition may recur. In which case, the choice of a plastic surgeon is crucial.

Although gynecomastia is common, it does not change the fact that such a condition can affect an adolescent not only physically but also mentally, emotionally and socially. If your child shows symptoms, you are advised to make an effort to understand what is adolescent gynecomastia and how to treat it. This way, you can provide support as necessary especially in your child’s formative years.