What is ginger and does it help get rid of man boobs?

Generally speaking, there are 2 types of man boobs. The first is known as pseudogynecomastia. The second is known as gynecomastia proper (gynecomastia). It is a condition in males wherein the chest area, particularly the nipples, areola and surrounding areas are enlarged or swollen. The result is an enlarged breast area and noticeable sag that is visible even with a shirt on. Worst case scenario is that the male chest area actually resembles female breasts.

The Goal

This article will discuss what is ginger and does it help get rid of man boobs. The goal of this article is to enlighten consumers suffering form man bobs, that there are alternative forms of treatment such as herbal supplements and natural food. A caveat, this article is only a primer. For more details, please refer to other works of the same author/website.

What is Ginger?

Ginger is a rhizome popularly used as a spice, but it is also known as a veritable “cure for all”. To be clear, this article will tackle the pale yellow variety. The dark yellow or orange variety is known as turmeric, which is the focus of another article.

Can Ginger help Treat Man Boobs?

The answer is yes. Ginger works for both pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia. In the case of the former, the swelling is usually due to fat deposits localized in the chest area. This is especially prevalent in obese individuals. Regular intake of ginger can help lower cholesterol levels, which in turn allows you to burn more fat. Granted, the effects are not localized to the chest area, hence this is not a short term cure.

In gynecomastia proper, ginger has been known to stabilize the body’s immune system. Ginger also triggers the production of testosterone and androgen. This lowers estrogen production and dilutes the effect of the same. If coupled with regular exercise localize in the chest area, fats can be turned and then converted to muscle.

Method of Delivery

No discussion on what is ginger and does it help get rid of man boobs is complete without tackling the most effective mode of delivery. Ginger can be ingested in several forms. The easiest way would be to consumer raw ginger. Tip: eat small pieces and chew properly. For newbies it is best to eat fresh ginger. This is because old ginger is more pungent and spicy.

The mildest form of ingestion is via tisane. You can use raw or powdered ginger for this. Raw ginger is more potent and less expensive. Tip: crush it first then add a bit of honey to taste.

Topical application is also a possibility. But you need to purchase ginger oil for this. Tip: it is best to buy the concentrated oil and then dilute it in either extra virgin oil or coconut oil. Then massage it to the affected area.

In Closing

The discussion above on what is ginger and does it help get rid of man boobs, presupposes you have checked with a physician regarding your condition. Yes, this is a herbal remedy and it is safe. But, it is still best to be safe than sorry. Plus, you want to make sure your condition is really gynecomastia.