What is glucomannan and does it help get rid of man boobs

One might wonder, what is glucomannan and does it help get rid of man boobs? Glucomannan (GM) is a water soluble polysaccharide extracted from the root of the konjac plant that is found in most Asian countries. It is considered a dietary fiber and can be used as a thickening or emulsifying agent for food or even an ingredient and substitute itself. GM can be also turned into food like noodles, tofu, chips, and jelly. It is also used in areas such as bread products, beverages, frozen goods, and dairy products. There are various products containing GM that are sold in the market as supplements, and though it has proven health benefits, it is not considered a treatment.

CM has many benefits. For one, it has been shown to lower the cholesterol levels of obese patients. There are studies showing that in healthy men, 4 weeks of taking at least 3.9 grams of GM daily, had lowered total cholesterol, particularly triglycerides by 23%.

The soluble nature of GM also makes it effective as a weight loss agent. Once ingested, it absorbs water and becomes bulky, giving the person a feeling of fullness, lessening the desire to eat.

In one notable experiment lasting 16 weeks, there were 2 groups of people, one group was given a combination of psyllium and GM, while the other group, placebos. The group who ingested the combination lost 9 to 10 pounds more than the group who took the placebo.

The absorptive nature of GM also makes it a good bulk laxative, as it had been used in the treatment of constipation. It is shown to decrease the transit time of feces and didn’t present any side effects or discomfort.

There are also studies showing that GM improved the intestinal flora of people who regularly used it. Beneficial bacteria like bifidus and lactobacilli proliferated in the guts of those who consumed it.

GM is also found to lessen acne vulgaris and also helped in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. It has also been shown to improve the blood glucose levels and lipid profile of type 2 diabetics.

Because of the absorptive nature and anti cholesterol properties of GM, it can help aid in treating Gynecomastia, a condition often triggered by the effects of obesity,

By promoting dieting thru satiety and expulsion of sodium and toxins by absorbing excess water, glucomannan can gradually help get of rid man boobs.

With this knowledge of what is glucomannan and does it help get rid of man boobs, it must also be noted that GM is only a dietary supplement and not meant to be a panacea for such a condition.

The absorptive nature of GM also presents itself as a choking hazard. There are instances where GM products got stuck in the esophagus, because they tend to expand and absorb water as they travel down to the stomach. It is therefore indicated that one should consume GM carefully and in small portions and have plenty of drinking water to wash down the portions.

All in all, the question what is glucomannan and does it help get rid of man boobs is clear, and to be effective, it is best combined with proper medical treatment, diet, and lifestyle changes.