What is green tea and does it help get rid of man boobs

There is tea, and there are man boobs, and if ever there is the question, what is green tea and does it help get rid of man boobs? Then here lies the answer.

Green tea comes from the processed leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It originated from China, but has also been an integral part of other countries and cultures throughout Asia (like Japan) and for the past decades has just recently garnered a global exposure.

Historical records from China show that in ancient times, people were already delving into the medicinal and therapeutic value of green tea. And over the last decades, it has been subjected to many studies with regards to its health and therapeutic benefits.

According to studies, green tea is full of enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, sterols, catechin, polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamins, phytochemicals, minerals, and other essential components that are healthy for the body.

One particular component is Epigallocatechin (EGCG), which is a powerful anti-oxidant. EGCG is effective in inhibiting and killing cancer cells, as well as lowering LDL cholesterol levels and preventing the formation of internal blood clots.

Green tea is also a great diuretic. A diuretic is a substance that promotes urination. Every time someone urinates, sodium and other impurities are expelled by the body. Sodium is an element that plays a huge role in water retention and obesity, the more sodium a person has, the bigger the propensity towards obesity. Sodium is a big component of salt, and unhealthy levels of it are often caused by eating and drinking too much fatty, salty, and artificial food.

Green tea also has thermogenic properties. Thermogenesis is the process of heat production in warm-blooded organisms like mammals. Increased body heat also means increased burning of calories and fat. Studies show that at least 5 cups of green tea help burn at least 60 to 80 calories a day and help regulate body metabolism.

Since Gynecomastia (medical term for breast enlargement in men), is often triggered by obesity, the cleansing and weight loss properties of green tea will be of great help to anyone afflicted by the condition.

However, one must keep in mind that it is not meant to be a panacea, which is important in regards to what is green tea and does it help get rid of man boobs. Too much consumption of it can also be adverse for the body, since excessive amounts of a diuretic will put an immense strain on the kidneys and in turn might lead to their failure and cause more serious health problems.

Also, the leaves green tea naturally contains fluoride. Too much fluoride in the body leads to fluorosis, which damages the teeth and bones.

With this knowledge of what is green tea and does it help get rid of man boobs, one can see that it’s best to use it as a regular supplement, along with the proper medical treatment, diet, and lifestyle changes.

Eating less or no fatty, salty, artificial foods will be one of the biggest steps a one can take in battling Gynecomastia. Cardiovascular training will help lose excess water and sodium thru sweating, and promote a healthy heart and good stamina too. Weight training, such as a bench press and other exercise, will help tone the chest and other muscles of the body.